Adventures of Riding the Four Corners of the United States by Motorcycle

2 Wheels Move the Soul - A Summary

This will be my last posting for this 4 Corners on 2 Wheels blog.

"We spend all our time sealed in boxes, and cars are just the rolling boxes that shuffle us languidly from home-box to work-box and back, the whole time entombed in stale air, temperature regulated, sound insulated, and smelling of carpets.

On a bike I know I'm alive. When I ride, even the familiar seems strange and glorious. The air has weight and substance as I push through it and its touch is as intimate as water to a swimmer. I feel the cool wells of air that pool under trees and the warm spokes of sunlight that fall through them. I can see everything in a sweeping 360 degrees, up, down and around, wider than PanaVision and higher than IMAX and unrestricted by ceiling or dashboard." {part of longer anonymous quote}

Sent to me by a friend (Andrew, who with Matt and Phil, met me at Starbucks for the final miles home - Thanks guys for the 'welcome back')

FAQ (and answers):

What was my favourite? Too many favourites to mention, but definitely: Blueridge Parkway; PEI with Renae at a wonderful B&B; the plane flights (thanks to Dale and Tim); the Wyoming, Idaho and Oregon areas (may do them again next year); and every day just riding. I must admit I also loved writing the blog entry as it gave it all a focus.

How far did I go? From Blaine to San Diego to Key West to Madawaska Maine to Gaspe Peninsula to Prince Edward Island to Nebraska to Vancouver Washington to home = 23,035 kilometres or 14,313 miles.

How many States and Provinces did I travel through ("visit" might be a slight overstatement)? 30 States and one District: Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, District of Columbia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming and Idaho. 5 Provinces: Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and British Columbia.

Favourite Motel? "Favourite" must be interpreted "most commonly used". Super 8.

Scariest Place? Los Angeles freeways (rush hour or anytime).

Longest Day? 11 hours. Northern California to Thousand Oaks (and a few other times as well)

Highest Price Gas? $3.19 USD per gallon (Joseph, Oregon)

Lowest Price Gas? $2.39 USD per gallon (can't remember where)

Closest Call? Last day outside Marysville, Washington, when a car did not consider my motorcycle a legitimate occupant of the carpool lane and ignored my presence there.

Weather? Rained less than 8 hours in total the whole trip, as it was mostly sunny and warm. Weirdest weather was in Florida where the rain was so severe (we were not riding at the time) you would think it was the equivalent of laying down in a river. Worst rain while riding? Northern Vermont into Quebec (day 18). Hottest day? 107 F in Arizona/New Mexico. Coldest day? 47 F in Wyoming.

Best Food? Our family and friends. White Hart Inn, Connecticut.

Worst Food? Huddle House, Northern Florida (with special mention of Mom's Place and the "genuine" Vermont maple syrup.

Place to return to and spend some time? Washington DC, Tennessee and the Appalachians generally, Nebraska.

Least liked place? Florida. Least friendly and most commercialized.

Best Place to return to ride? Wyoming/Idaho/Montana/Oregon/Washington. Anyone game?