Waking up this morning later than usual (although we have never used the alarm) we left the motel at 7 a.m., setting out for the first time straight north. Felt weird. George commented that he felt the need to go east or south. But north it was, aiming to leave Florida, stopping just north of Miami, Ft. Lauderdale at a Starbucks (good oatmeal).
But we had one more stop in Florida. A "candy store" that George could not resist. Just outside Daytona Beach there is the largest Harley Davidson dealership in the world. It is the size of a large department store, has hundreds of Harleys, even a restaurant, and is in fact the anchor tenant in a large motorcycle mall.

We stayed for an hour or so and then had lunch nearby (just in time for a short thunderstorm to dump the now fully expected deluge of nickel-sized raindrops). Note we did not eat at the Pig Stand BBQ joint despite the novel rolling advertising that doubles as a movable feast.

By the time we were finished the sun returned to a hot and humid 35 degrees Centigrade and we left the sunshine state of Florida, crossing into Georgia on Interstate 95, we had one nagging question: Why would so many people want to live here (other than the sometimes good weather, which has been "interesting" for us, with its rainy season from May to October and the occasional hurricane, etc.).
After a total of 745 km (462 miles) today Georgia offered us the same weather (hot - supposed to be 95 Fahrenheit (35 C) tomorrow, with some thunderstorms), but this may dissipate as we head inland tomorrow, off the freeways in search of some of the best riding so far.