We were a little late (6:30) getting started today due to getting advice from a trucker on what route to take today. He was sitting next to us at the counter of the Iron Skillet where we were enjoying our oatmeal (who knew that butter tasted so good with porridge - it is served all the time here). After discussing many roads we chose one that left the freeway (after being on it every day for 8 days it seemed strange but we both thought it worthwhile to see the Florida panhandle beaches (Panama City)).
By 11 a.m., we were in Pensacola, Florida, having sped through Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi (when I say sped, it was just that along the Gulf of Mexico both Alabama and Mississippi have very short shoreline - about 100 kms each). The police of each state seemed anxious to ensure they obtained their share of speeding ticket revenue and were out in force. We were again some of the slowest vehicles sharing the Saturday streetscape. But at 75 mph we were satisfied with our speed. We have not lost each other yet. We did stop for a couple of shots of the waterfront of this community, linked by massive and innumerable concrete bridges.
After an ill-fated trip down the coast to Walton, Florida, we tired of the peekaboo views (not easy for motorcyclists trying to watch the cars and trucks who are not watching us). It was crawling traffic and no real ocean views. So we stopped at a waterfront "Crab Shack" and enjoyed at least some ocean.
Booting it back to Interstate 10 we pressed on to the capital of Florida (Tallahassee - did you know that? I didn't until today). As we were 5 minutes away from our destination (Lamont, Florida - [population no more than 200) it started to spit rain. We learned later (the server at "Huddle House" - the only non-fast food place around) that it has been raining off and on each day for the last week and is expected to thunder and lightning, which it is doing now, for the next four days. However, the rain here is not like at home and is more like a mist in a sauna.
Another great day and, despite the detour, we put in 750 km today. Tomorrow we are likely to face our first taste of some rain and most likely thunderstorms, but we are looking forward to each day and its adventures.
By 11 a.m., we were in Pensacola, Florida, having sped through Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi (when I say sped, it was just that along the Gulf of Mexico both Alabama and Mississippi have very short shoreline - about 100 kms each). The police of each state seemed anxious to ensure they obtained their share of speeding ticket revenue and were out in force. We were again some of the slowest vehicles sharing the Saturday streetscape. But at 75 mph we were satisfied with our speed. We have not lost each other yet. We did stop for a couple of shots of the waterfront of this community, linked by massive and innumerable concrete bridges.
After an ill-fated trip down the coast to Walton, Florida, we tired of the peekaboo views (not easy for motorcyclists trying to watch the cars and trucks who are not watching us). It was crawling traffic and no real ocean views. So we stopped at a waterfront "Crab Shack" and enjoyed at least some ocean.
Booting it back to Interstate 10 we pressed on to the capital of Florida (Tallahassee - did you know that? I didn't until today). As we were 5 minutes away from our destination (Lamont, Florida - [population no more than 200) it started to spit rain. We learned later (the server at "Huddle House" - the only non-fast food place around) that it has been raining off and on each day for the last week and is expected to thunder and lightning, which it is doing now, for the next four days. However, the rain here is not like at home and is more like a mist in a sauna.
Another great day and, despite the detour, we put in 750 km today. Tomorrow we are likely to face our first taste of some rain and most likely thunderstorms, but we are looking forward to each day and its adventures.